Arts, also known as Orbal Arts, are magical effects brought about by Orbments; that can be used to attack, defend or support characters and enemies. There are varied and unique Arts which host elemental properties; Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Time, Space and Mirage, each providing different effects. Arts are the result of equipping Quartz in configurations in an Orbment, when the required elemental values of Arts matches the installed elemental value of Quartz, the Art becomes usable. All party members are able to use any and all Arts, as well all Arts are accessible from the beginning of the story. The limitation of configuration, set elemental slots and access to Quartz with high elemental values hinder the available Arts that can be cast by that party member. Using Arts in battle requires Energy Points, also known as EP, Arts have specified EP requirements, that do not regenerate and require Items to restore.
Arts have a range of cast-ability, Single, Area, Line or All. Single ranged Arts can only be used on one ally or enemy at a time; Area ranged Arts can be used in an area of effect, these can vary between small, medium and large circles; Line ranged Arts are uni-directional and only affect only those in it's path of effect; and All ranged Arts affect the entire battlefield, however will only affect either party members or enemies. Arts alike physical attacks, cannot be used on an ally unless it's effect is intended to (for example, La Tear only heals allies in it's area of effect).
Most arts are aimed at an enemy or ally and will automatically retarget if their initial target is defeated before the art is cast. A handful of arts, however, targets an area on the grid instead of a specific enemy. While this allows the player to hit a greater number of enemies by focussing the spell on a location in between them, it's possible for enemies to move out of the spell's range before it goes off in which case the spell misses completely. Line-type spells always target the grid instead of specific enemies.
Many Arts additionally have an associated Status Effects as well (for example, use of Shadow Spear has a 20% Deathblow chance). Arts that have Status Effects don't stack and many Status Effects are preventable, in situations where a character is immune to damage (for example, a character under Immunity protection of Earth Guard) the effect is ineffective along with the Art.