As previously discussed, a vast majority of First Chapter content has been added to the wikia, with a significant amount of Second Chapter being continuously added in no particular order.
There are a few things I would like to note however that is being worked on with priority.
- Category:Enemies is a big process, requiring a new playthrough on nightmare mode, a few dozen Excel spreadsheets and multiple 2000+ line Notepad++ articles later I am in the process of doing a full overhaul on not only adding in new enemies from Second Chapter and Third Chapter, but also updating all First Chapter enemies to the new portable infobox template, restoring removed content and re-making sprites in multiple graphics formats. At the moment, these will still …
In an overhaul of of condensing information into templates, a large portion of the First Chapter content has been updated. Several different ideas have been tried for the past few months.
A large change coming to the site is the TrailsBOT, using the AutoWikiBrowser software to help categorise and cleanup content allowing standardisation of the Second Chapter content and the introduction to the Third Chapter content.
To clarify this, content has been categorised a few different ways, any person(s) willing to comment and/or wants to offer advice is more than welcome to let either myself AshleyJames or Erpy know. I try to frequent the Wikia Community looking for options and keeping up with ways to improve the information for the Wikia.
Changes t…
*tap* *tap* "Is this thing on?"
I'd like to welcome whoever reads this to this little Trails-related corner of the internet. At the moment I'm typing this, this wiki contains exactly 1000 articles. That's quite a landmark and I felt that that was a good time to create my first little blog post here and post my thoughts on two things: NPCs and this wikia.
In the end, 1000 is just a number and numbers can be deceptive. When I first found this wiki, it was extremely heavy on structure, but very light on content. For a large part, that's unfortunately still the case. Most pages containing monster or quest info don't really contain anything that's not directly lifted from the game's monster book or bracer notebook. Perhaps I'll get around to updating things later, once I've fi…