Crafts are unique techniques that can be used to attack, defend and support characters and enemies. Crafts are generally unique to an individual and are gained as characters increase their level. Using Crafts in battle requires Craft Points, also known as CP, Crafts have specified CP requirements, that can be gained by receiving or dealing both magical or physical damage in battle. CP can also regenerate in battle (for example, having the Gladiator Belt accessory equipped), or restored with some Items.
Crafts have a range of cast-ability, Single, Area, Line or All. Single ranged Crafts can only be used on one ally or enemy at a time; Area ranged Crafts can be used in an area of effect, these can vary between small, medium and large circles; Line ranged Crafts, which also have small and medium widths, are uni-directional and only affect only those in it's path of effect; and All ranged Crafts affect the entire battlefield, however will only affect either party members or enemies. Crafts alike magical attacks, cannot be used on an ally unless it's effect is intended to (for example, Morale only buffs allies in it's area of effect). Certain crafts are centered on the user. If such a craft is single-target, the craft only affects the user himself and can never affect anyone else. (such as Zane's Distend skill) Other user-centered crafts affect others, but cover a radius with the user at the center, meaning it'll only affect characters standing close to the person using the craft. (such as Estelle's Morale craft)
Many Crafts additionally have associated Status Effects as well (for example, use of Smoke Cannon inflicts Blind). Crafts that have Status Effects don't stack and many Status Effects are preventable, in situations where a character is immune to damage (for example, a character under Immunity of Earth Guard) the effect is ineffective along with the Craft.
Crafts cannot be used if a character is under the influence of the Seal status effect. Attack crafts count as physical attacks, meaning their damage increases if the character's strength is buffed in battle and many of them will take a reduction in hit rate when the character is affected by Blind.
Estelle Bright[]
Estelle learns a total of 5 crafts over the course of the first game, three of which receive upgrades in the second. Her skillset, like her orbment, is geared towards versility and her abilities allow her to do a wide variety of things, from buffing and tanking, to crowd control and arts cancelling. While many of her skills are no-frills versions of more effective crafts, the variety in her arsenal allows her to deal with just about any situation that comes her way.
Joshua Astray[]
Joshua learns a total of 5 crafts over the course of the first game, three of which receive upgrades in the second. True to his training as an expert in covert operations and assassination, Joshua's skillset is geared towards quickly taking out single enemies or small groups and keeping them off balance in order to prevent them from mounting an effective offense. Two of his crafts can delay enemy turns and both of them can target multiple enemies, making the speedy Joshua an expert on locking enemies down while his dual strike craft make him a great physical threat against more durable targets as well.
Scherazard Harvey[]
Scherazard is a balanced character who tilts towards orbal arts use and away from raw melee power and her skillset reflects this. Her number of crafts is limited compared to Estelle and Joshua, though her abilities still allow her to cancel enemy arts and inflict AOE damage on enemies whenever she engages in melee fighting. Her one craft with a truly unique ability, the ability to bestow AT advantage on allies and manipulate the time bar to her advantage, is what sets her apart from her companions.
Agate Crosner[]
Agate learns a total of 4 crafts over the course of the first game, all of which receive upgrades in the second. As a melee-based frontliner, Agate's abilities are geared towards a collection of sword-based skills that can cause AOE damage, push enemies away, cancel arts, delay an enemy and attack from afar, as well as his unique Wild Rage skill, which restore his own CP at the cost of HP, allowing him to use his crafts almost non-stop or utilize S-crafts on a more frequent basis than other characters. This is especially true from the second game on, where he can gain 150 CP per round.
Olivert Reise Arnor[]
Olivert is primarily a caster, but his gunslinger skills allow him to weaken enemies with long-range attacks while at the same time staying away from the frontlines. Two of his skills complement his marksmanship and allow him to deal AOE damage and cancel arts from very far away while his third skill can make him an emergency healer during times when a healing art wouldn't go off in time.
Klaudia von Auslese[]
Klaudia is primarily a caster specializing in healing, but she has two crafts to supplement her arsenal of orbal arts, one of them using her gyrfalcon companion Sieg and the other using the fencing skills she picked up from Julia Schwarz. While her arts cancelling craft isn't quite as effective as other crafts with impeding properties, her debuff craft is one of the most potent crafts in the game, weakening enemies considerably and having extremely long range on top of that.
Tita Russell[]
Tita only gets to use two crafts in the first two games, but both take advantage of her specialty in crowd-control, being targetted to the battle grid instead of to specific enemies or allies. Her offensive craft can hit and disable large crowds of enemies at once while her healing craft covers an equally large area and gains the ability to cure status ailments and debuffs in the second game.
Zane Vathek[]
Zane learns a total of 4 crafts over the course of the first game, three of which receive upgrades in the second, and gets one more new craft in the second game as well. His skillset is almost completely based around his role as a tank who can absorb attacks weaker allies would have trouble withstanding. With one craft for attracting enemy attention, another for increasing his defense and offense and one more for healing, Zane can act as a lightning rod and survive the enemy's onslaught with healing and buffing. His other two crafts allow him to mount an offense as well, even though he has trouble hitting large groups or enemies that are far away.
Josette Capua[]
Josette joins rather late in SC and doesn't learn any new skills in that game, though she comes with two already learned that focus on weakening and hindering. One of her crafts can damage and debuff an enemy's defense and the other one can damage and incapacitate a target as long as it's relatively close to her.
Kevin Graham[]
Kevin starts SC with two crafts, one offensive and one support, and rejoins later with another support craft learned. Being a priest, Kevin's skillset is focussed on healing and support, allowing him to restore HP, CP and cure status ailments depending on the needs of his companions.
Anelace Elfead[]
Anelace starts her brief period as a playable character in SC with a total of 4 craftsand she gets an additional one in the third game. Like her fellow bracer Agate, Anelace is a straight-up melee fighter whose skillset includes various crafts which can hit an AOE, delay an enemy and can give her a boost at the cost of making her more vulnerable.
Kurt Nardin[]
Kurt, being the leader of a group of bracers, acts as the group's lifeline and support, which is reflected by his skillset. Like Estelle, he has a variety of different crafts, including healing, buffing, attacking from afar and hitting an AOE. Compared to Estelle's more melee-oriented bag of tricks, Kurt's skillset focuses more on recovery and support.
Mueller Vander[]
Mueller initially begins with four Crafts in the Second Chapter, none of which are upgradeable. During the Third Chapter he carries over his previous Crafts, of which two are upgradeable by increasing his level.
Mueller specialises in crowd control and AoE damage, with the possibility of inflicting a K.O. against his targets by drawing them closer and striking with force. Using him as crowd control, he is able to cause Confusion and has the ability to Impede Arts and Crafts of his targets. He can additionally use Deathblows against his targets making him an invaluable companion.
Julia Schwarz[]
Julia initially begins with three Crafts during the Second Chapter, none of which are upgradeable. During the Third Chapter she carries over her previous Crafts, of which two are upgradeable by increasing her level.
Julia is able to be used in a supporting role and tanking role, as she is able to protect herself with Immunity against attacks and can increase STR of other Party Members. She also has the ability to Impede Arts and Crafts of her targets.