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Fishing is an activity introduced from the First Chapter and onwards, however only in a limited capacity while at Valleria Shore in the South Block Burglary quest during Disappearance of the Linde. From the Second Chapter and onward, fishing has been re-introduced as a permanent activity that can be carried out any time the party finds Fishing Spots.

There are several Fishing Rods and Bait that can be used, the combination chosen along with the Fishing Spot provides unique Fish that can be re-used as Bait or used as Ingredients in Recipes.

The Second Chapter additionally introduced a weighting system for Fish, Rege being the standard comparative unit. Fish may contain Accessories, Items or Sepith in their mouths once caught, based on the weight of the Fish, heavier Fish offer larger rewards. Some drops are unique, such as the Granakor that contains the Tiger Heart and Crimson Eye. Another new addition is the Fishing Guide, a journal for the fisherman. The Fishing Guide records the location, species, weight of the Fish, along with the heaviest Fish from each species caught.

Fishing is a simplistic activity, Fishing Spots all around Liberl can be used by approaching them. Once initiated a menu for Fishing Rods and Bait selection will appear. Estelle will cast her line, an exclamation mark Snag Animation will appear when a Fish is snagged. Immediately when a Fish is snagged, the player must reel in the Fish.

The period of opportunity the player has to reel in Fish is determined by both size and rarity of the Fish snagged. Some Fish, especially the rare single game catch, the Dynatrad, will break the line almost immediately after the casting animation.


In the First Chapter there is only one achievement relating to fishing.


Hobbyist Hobbyist
Opt to fish all ten times at Valleria
How to Obtain: During Disappearance of the Linde in the South Block Burglary quest, Estelle can do Fishing at Valleria Shore. Have Estelle opt to fish all ten times to unlock this achievement.

In the Second Chapter there is only one achievement relating to fishing.

Master Fisher[]

Master Fisher Master Fisher
Conquer the aquatic denizens of Liberl
How to Obtain: Capture and record all 27 Fish found throughout Liberl in the Fishing Guide.


Fishing Spot Search[]

There is only one quest relating to fishing, featured in the Second Chapter.

Fishing Spots[]

Fishing Spots are locations found around Liberl in the Second Chapter and the Third Chapter where Fish may be caught using any combinations of Fishing Rods and Bait.

In the First Chapter there is only a single fishable location at the Lakeshore Inn in Valleria Shore. As Fishing was re-introduced in the Second Chapter and onward, an additional 30 fishable locations were added.

Fishing Rods[]

Fishing Rods are used when Fishing with Bait, at any of the Fishing Spots. Trails in the Sky - First Chapter only has one fishing rod, due to the activity of Fishing not being introduced until Trails in the Sky - Second Chapter and onwards, which has seven fishing rods.


Bait is used used when Fishing with Fishing Rods, at any of the Fishing Spots. Bait was introduced with Trails in the Sky - Second Chapter and onwards, however can be used in a limited capacity in Trails in the Sky - First Chapter. There are eighteen types of bait, some Fish can be re-used as bait after being caught.


Fish are collectable items obtained when Fishing, some fish can be re-used as Bait. Fish that are caught are recorded in the Fishing Guide, the weight, along and the Fishing Spots the fish was caught at are recorded. The Fishing Guide additionally lists the heaviest of each fish species caught.

First Chapter[]

In the South Block Burglary quest during Disappearance of the Linde, Estelle has an opportunity to fish at Valleria Shore. Due to the difference between the re-introduced fishing system in the Second Chapter and the one appearing in the First Chapter, the fishing process works differently. When the opportunity for fishing is presented, Estelle must choose one of three locations, one of three types of Bait and one of three ways to reel in the Fish.

Fishing Guide[]

Bait Pull Immediately Wait Wait Longer
Lure Smelt Liberl Carp Salmon
Live Bait Smelt Tiger Rockfish Liberl Carp
Fly Smelt Rainbow Trout Smelt

Bait Pull Immediately Wait Wait Longer
Lure Holey Boots Liberl Carp Holey Boots
Live Bait Smelt Smelt Holey Boots
Fly Smelt Holey Boots Holey Boots

Bait Pull Immediately Wait Wait Longer
Lure Liberl Carp Rainbow Trout Smelt
Live Bait Smelt Rainbow Trout Liberl Carp
Fly Holey Boots Rainbow Trout Tiger Rockfish