Trails Wiki

Mueller Vander


Mueller initially begins with four Crafts in the Second Chapter, none of which are upgradeable. During the Third Chapter he carries over his previous Crafts, of which two are upgradeable by increasing his level.

Mueller specialises in crowd control and AoE damage, with the possibility of inflicting a K.O. against his targets by drawing them closer and striking with force. Using him as crowd control, he is able to cause Confusion and has the ability to Impede Arts and Crafts of his targets. He can additionally use Deathblows against his targets making him an invaluable companion.

Blade Dancer[]

Hound Gale[]

Mirage Edge[]

Ragna Bind[]

Chain Crafts[]

Blade Dancer[]

Hound Gale[]

Mirage Edge[]

Ragna Bind[]

Hound Gale 2[]

Blade Dancer 2[]

Chain Crafts[]

Mueller initially begins with one S-Crafts in the Second Chapter, which isn't upgradeable. During the Third Chapter he carries over his previous S-Craft, which is upgradeable by increasing his level.

Righteous Witness[]

Righteous Witness[]

True Righteous Witness[]



Dynast Edge[]

Blade Gear[]

Roaring Thunder[]

Ogre Buster[]



Nohval Blade[]

Zeno Breaker[]

Lion King's Sword[]

Demon Eater[]

Two Handed Debt[]

Antler Sword[]


Spider Sword[]

Hard Rock[]

De La Ravenna Dell[]

Pen Dragon[]



Pen Dragon+1[]

Scarlet Sword[]

Pen Dragon+2[]


Dinah Fossil[]

Mueller is biased towards Water Arts.

Mueller's Orbment Slots

In the Second Chapter, Mueller has 1x Water and 6x Neutral Orbment slot, with 4x configurable lines. He features a maximum line configuration of 1x Water and 2x Netural Orbment slots, limiting his capability as an Arts user.

Mueller equals the lowest capability with access to 56 of the 73 Arts. He is not able to use Geo Catastrophe, Gaia Shield, Athelas, La Tear-All, Cocytus, La Forte, Volcanic Rave, Meteo Fall, Arc Prominence, Ragna Blast, Grand Steam, White Gehenna, Orbal Down, Abyss Fall, Lost Mobius, Phantom Pain or Silver Thorn.

Mueller's Orbment Slots

In the Third Chapter, Mueller has 1x Water and 6x Neutral Orbment slot, with 4x configurable lines. He features a maximum line configuration of 1x Water and 2x Netural Orbment slots, limiting his capability as an Arts user.

Mueller has low capability having access to 68 of the 82 Arts. He is not able to use Geo Catastophe, Gaia Shield, Cocytus, La Tear-All, Athelas, Meteo Fall, Arc Prominence, Grand Stream, Abyss Fall, Calamity Blast, Lost Mobius, Tempest Fall, Genie Barrier or Downside.
