Trails Wiki

Scherazard Harvey


Scherazard is a balanced character who tilts towards orbal arts use and away from raw melee power and her skillset reflects this. Her number of crafts is limited compared to Estelle and Joshua, though her abilities still allow her to cancel enemy arts and inflict AOE damage on enemies whenever she engages in melee fighting. Her one craft with a truly unique ability, the ability to bestow AT advantage on allies and manipulate the time bar to her advantage, is what sets her apart from her companions.

Heaven's Kiss[]

Sylphen Whip[]

Bind Whip[]

Bind Whip[]

Heaven's Kiss[]

Sylphen Whip[]

Sylphen Whip 2[]

Bind Whip 2[]

Chain Crafts[]

Bind Whip 2[]

Fox Tail[]

Heaven's Kiss[]

Sylphen Whip 2[]

Sylphen Whip 3[]

Bind Whip 3[]

Chain Crafts[]

Sadist Whip[]

Sadist Whip[]

Sadist Whip 2[]

Judgement Card[]

Judgement Card[]

Sadist Whip 2[]

Judgement Card 2[]





Nine Tails[]


Air Glaive[]

Chain Gear[]

Chain Belt[]


Wolf's Fang Whip[]


Galient Sword[]

Dragon's Fang Whip[]



Sirius Whip[]

Chain Whip[]

Needle Cane[]

Fill All[]

Myrrh Tentacle[]

Carp Sentinel[]

Stealth Initiator[]

Carp Sentinel+1[]

Gorgon Dread[]

Alekan Shell[]

Scherazard is biased towards Wind Arts.

Scherazard's Orbment Slots

In the First Chapter, Scherazard has 2x Wind and 4x Neutral Orbment slots, with 2x configurable lines. She features a maximum line configuration of 2x Wind and 3x Netural Orbment slots, allowing her high proficiency as an Arts user.

Scherazard has high capability with access to 41 of the 43 Arts. She is not able to use Volcanic Rave or Saint.

Scherazard's Orbment Slots

In the Second Chapter, Scherazard has 2x Wind and 5x Neutral Orbment slots, with 2x configurable lines. She features a maximum line configuration of 2x Wind and 4x Netural Orbment slots, allowing her high proficiency as an Arts user.

Scherazard equals the highest capability having access to all 73 Arts.

Scherazard's Orbment Slots

In the Third Chapter, Scherazard has 2x Wind and 5x Neutral Orbment slots, with 2x configurable lines. She features a maximum line configuration of 2x Wind and 4x Netural Orbment slots, allowing her high proficiency as an Arts user.

Scherazard equals the highest capability having access to all 82 Arts.
