Trails Wiki

Sepith, or Septium Fragments are fused minerals that are refined into Septium, then further refined into Quartz. Sepith are found in all Regions, however only a few mining facilities are visited. The Malga Mine is still known to produce Esmelas Septium, while the Abandoned Mine has been run dry over several generations.

As Sepith are refined for Quartz, they are chosen for their properties. Similar elemental Septium are used in the refinement of Quartz, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Time, Space and Mirage. Nearly all Enemies carry Sepith when defeated, Sepith were introduced in Chests from the Second Chapter onward.

Tetracyclic Tower Enemies and Altered Space Enemies drop elemental Septium respective of their region. Tetracyclic Tower Chests contain all elemental forms of Septium, where Altered Space Chests contain elemental Septium perspective of their region, with additional Time, Space and Mirage Sepith to compensate for the Four Tetracyclic Towers.


In the First Chapter there are two achievements relating to Sepith.

You Can Trade Those for Money, You Know...[]

You Can Trade Those for Money, You Know... You Can Trade Those for Money, You Know...
Collect 1,000 of each Sepith
How to Obtain: Collectively amass a total of 1,000 of each Sepith to unlock this achievement. These can be collected collectively over multiple playthroughs.

Why Do You Have This Many?![]

Why Do You Have This Many?! Why Do You Have This Many?!
Collect 3,000 of each Sepith
How to Obtain: Collectively amass a total of 3,000 of each Sepith to unlock this achievement. These can be collected collectively over multiple playthroughs.


Earth Sepith[]

Earth Sepith are primarily used to forge Quartz that modifies Defense. They are found in a large abundance throughout Bose, including at the Amberl Tower and in Amberl - Altered Space.

Water Sepith[]

Water Sepith are primarily used to forge Quartz that modifies Hit Points and Art Strength. They are found in a large abundance throughout Ruan, including at the Sapphirl Tower and in Sapphirl - Altered Space.

Fire Sepith[]

Fire Sepith are primarily used to forge Quartz that modifies Strength. They are found in a large abundance throughout Zeiss, including at the Carnelia Tower and in Carnelia - Altered Space.

Wind Sepith[]

Wind Sepith are primarily used to forge Quartz that modifies Art Defense and Agility. They are found in a large abundance throughout Rolent, including at the Esmelas Tower and in Esmelas - Altered Space.

Time Sepith[]

Time Sepith are primarily used to forge Quartz that modifies Turn Speed and can inflict Death. They aren't native to any region, however are found in moderate abundances in the Altered Spaces however not at the Tetracyclic Towers.

Space Sepith[]

Space Sepith are primarily used to forge Quartz that modifies Energy Points and increase Arts' Attack Range. They aren't native to any region, however are found in moderate abundances in the Altered Spaces however not at the Tetracyclic Towers.

Mirage Sepith[]

Mirage Sepith are primarily used to forge Quartz that modifies Dexterity and Energy Points. They aren't native to any region, however are found in moderate abundances in the Altered Spaces however not at the Tetracyclic Towers.
